How to Build on a Lifestyle Block or Rural Section

If you are looking at building on a lifestyle or rural property there are a few things to consider when embarking on the challenge.
building a home

Building on a lifestyle block offers a unique opportunity to create your dream home in a more relaxed, rural setting.

However, embarking on such a project comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to financing and planning. The team at is equipped to guide you through this process, ensuring your journey is as smooth as possible.

Considerations for Lifestyle Block Development

Developing a lifestyle block can be more complex than a standard residential build. The key to a successful project lies in careful planning and consideration of several critical factors:

Services and Infrastructure: 

One of the first steps is ensuring access to essential services such as water, electricity, sewage, and internet. Depending on the location of your lifestyle block, connecting these services can significantly impact your budget and timeline.


Council Regulations and Zoning: 

Understanding the local council's regulations and zoning laws is crucial. These rules can affect various aspects of your build, including the size and type of dwelling you can construct, environmental considerations, and more.

Financing Your Build

Financing a lifestyle block development can differ from standard residential projects. Banks and lenders may view these projects as higher risk, which can influence the terms and conditions of your loan. Non-bank lenders often offer more flexible financing options for lifestyle blocks but may come with higher interest rates. You should look to gather a deposit of 20%, but make sure to account for the extra costs you may incur with services and infrastructure.

Navigating the complexities of building on a lifestyle block requires expertise and understanding of both the property market and financing options. specializes in helping clients find the right financing solutions for their unique projects. Whether you're facing challenges with service connections, council regulations, or securing financing, our team has the knowledge and resources to assist you.

Planning Your Lifestyle Block Build

A successful lifestyle block project starts with thorough planning and research. Consider the following steps to get started:

1. Due Diligence

Conduct comprehensive due diligence on the land, including soil tests, access to services, and understanding local council regulations.


2. Budgeting

 Develop a detailed budget that includes not only the cost of the build but also any necessary infrastructure improvements, such as driveways, fencing, and landscaping.

3. Securing Financing

Explore your financing options early in the process. can help you assess the available loan products and find one that matches your project's needs and your financial situation.

Embarking on Your Project

Building on a lifestyle block is an exciting venture that can provide a rewarding and personalized living experience. With the right preparation, financing, and support, your dream of rural living can become a reality.

If you're considering building on a lifestyle block and need guidance on how to begin, reach out to us at or call us on 0800 100 300. Our team is ready to provide you with the insights and support you need to navigate the complexities of your build, from financing to completion.

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